25 May 2006

Sunny Day...

my friend Q has convinced me to come to a tanning booth with her... well, not the same booth, but for a friendly afternoon of tanning session. i figure that with a month in front of me before i'm off to scorching Las Vegas (even if it IS only for 3 days most of which will be spent indoors at a conference of data monkeys just like me) it wouldn't hurt me to get a little base tan. she has her own reasons which aren't mine to share.

so i've been doing research... yes the kind that makes the idea of fakenbaking still scary to me, and the kind that makes me feel more secure in my choice of salon - as i'm not at all keen on the idea of skipping into a storefront converted into a tanning factory. it's A S T O U N D I N G to me just how many of these establishments there are. the cool part is that i can modify my cellular DNA, promote skin cancer, and speed up my skin's aging process for less than $40 for a one month package at a very nice and respectable place. even better that at this establishment Q and i can share the less-than-$40 membership between us. I like this best because it means that if neither of us is too keen on the whole process after our first or second tries, we can chalk it up as a total loss for less than it costs to buy a decent meal.

truth be told, i'm something horrible old school. at 15 i was out in my bikini on a blanket in the back yard no later than the second week of may. trips to the ocean (or any other beach for that matter) were for NO other purpose than taking my skin to that wonderful shade of copper that i love. and even now, i'm sure to wear a tank top when i'm working on the yard - not so much because i get crazy hot doing that kind of work (which i do) but because wearing a t-shirt gives me the rattiest "farmer's - tan" tan lines.

over the next few weeks, if you need me and can't tell where to find me, check out the not-so-bikini-clad lady sweepin' the clouds away...

1 comment:

Kimba said...

You always were the sun worshipper...and you just look so damn good with a tan! I think my pigment is all used up, I never seem to tan anymore!