12 May 2006

mega mix

i listen to a lot of radioio80's. it's what i listen to when i'm not listening to NPR (honestly, i love it when Nina Totenberg reads off the Supreme Court transcript... i'm fairly certain she's much more entertaining / enjoyable than tapes would be) - - so yeah, it's either Nina or Siouxsie. Shine on little dichotomy... i am indeed a half a moon... half reflecting, half dark.

it's been a rough week... no - it's been a rough patch. i spend as much of my time floundering as upright. if it were just my private life it probably wouldn't be so weird, but it's at work too - days when i feel like i just can't get anything done... days when i tornado my way through everything and end up, at noon, hungry for more.

i worry about instilling enough stability in my daughter's life, about being the right role model. that's a very stabilizing thought... until i realise that she doesn't see me or even deal with me for nearly 10 hours a day on most days. it's pretty easy to be a total jack-off when she's not around... i just have to level out and watch my mouth by the time i get home.

i drive a station wagon - really, am i THAT hungry for stability? ok, really it's just common sense and the fact that i like to have room for crap... a baby has a lot of crap - - if i were talking in front of her i'd have said stuff - - and without the room for it, you're just a ridiculous expression of "holy 'stuff', i wasn't ready to be a parent" when for me that's just not the case... i was SO ready to be a parent... i'm just having issues with all of the peripherals, i guess.

actually, the ONLY thing in my life that I feel like i've got the gist of is being a mom (thank goodness i feel that way just in time for Mother's day, no?) and even that is sketchy when i remind myself that it's fairly easy to think you have the gist of being a mom when you spend 50 hours a week away from your child... and people wonder why i don't want to go out and do grown up stuff.

i just did the math on my excel spreadsheet - - i get about 51 hours of time with my daughter a week. this is inclusive of time when she's helping me do the grocery shopping, laundry, gardening, yard work, lumberjacking, vacuuming - - which she hates - - and all of the other little house things (apart from cooking because except for a few things that she's allowed to help with, having her in the kitchen right now is just too dangerous - she's walked into the open refrigerator door resulting in a bruise on her forehead more than once - i don't even want to think about her in the presence of knives or bacon grease. i get only one more hour with her (awake, that is... you can factor in another roughly 56 hours if you count unconscious sleep time) than i do with work and commute... oh yeah, sign me up for the "mom of the year" boards.

probably i should just stop now. i didn't want this to be a nega-blog.

happy mother's day to everyone who is a mom, or has a mom.... heck - happy mother's day to y'all.


Anonymous said...

You could be the mom who stays home all day, sets her child in front of the t.v. so she can do "her" thing.


You could be the mom who works in an office, spending the barest of minimal time with her children and then goes out and gets drunk with the co-workers every night.


You could just be the mom who just doesn't give a stuff.

Whatever you are, you aren't any of those things. So give your self a break. She loves you, you love her. In the end, that is all that really matters.

Unknown said...

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY ...and what's more I like station wagons!