25 September 2007

too much to ask

i want to spend my days at home with my daughter.
i am to the point of totally prepared to embrace the June Cleaver lifestyle.

i don't like the commute
i don't like the office
i don't even overly like the work
the salary - i can't complain about.

i wonder all the time how i could force the company to have me on a purely telecommute basis.

i don't need to be here. people don't really notice whether i am or not. i'm fine with it.



Kimba said...

I say you lay out all the details of how you can give them the work they want from you if you are working at home and then present it. What harm can it do to give them the facts? Good luck!!

Anonymous said...

First of all...I completely know what you are feeling. But I can't help but say that I can't imagine that NO ONE notices whether you are there or not. Maybe they just know that you are too cool for them.