20 September 2007

not so levititious

i owe all of your a collective quarter. i had to call my husband and ask him when he was coming home to have dinner with us. no, it wasn't some obscene hour of 'too-late-to-eat' - i just really wanted to have what we had for dinner, i started it earlier than i usually do, and it was done and making the house smell gorgeous and MT (my husband) still wasn't home yet and - well, you get the picture.
AND - further evidence that the whole effort is worth it? when the baby decided that dessert should be ice cream (we have a delightful ice cream shoppe (yes with an e) about 5 blocks away) my MT duly headed out to garner it. on learning that the shoppe is now closed for the season, he packed up the baby (allowing me some precious/coveted relaxation time) and headed off the the 'local DQ' (about 15 miles away) to STILL bring home the ice cream for dessert.


this is probably the only time you will hear me grouse about my domestic life... at least like this.

my afternoon
drive 1 hour home
collect the child
go to credit union
forgo personal trip to drug store for nail polish remover, as baby is napping
come home
carry in all of my bags, baby's bags, and mail
empty trash can
clean dag-nasty trash can lid (ew)
load slimy gross standing water* dishes into dishwasher
hand wash dishes that CANNOT go into dishwasher
hand wash dirty dishes that can't be forced into already overfull dishwasher
get bulk of dinner into oven
wash hair
start dishwasher
relax briefly until parts two and three of dinner need cooking

i will bet you ALL a collective quarter that within 5 minutes of waking through the door my husband will ask me some variation of "when's dinner?"

oh but he's generous with the flowers and the sparklies and the skull-things!

* i despise the "fill it with water and let it soak: method of pre-cleaning all but the most heinous of dishes. what I hate worse? when folks throw OTHER dishes (namely silverware) into said mank-swamp of precleaning.

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