21 March 2007

eye numbing

i am loathe to ever admit to being bored at work. around here, most people think that means you don't have anything to do. i don't think there are more than a handful of folk who understand that what it REALLY means is that you don't have anything interesting to do. i've been plugging away, for two weeks, on some painfully boring, cookie-cutter, have to do the same thing every month stuff. it's mind numbing.

to alleviate my suffering i find myself focusing on the actual arrival of spring - - the warm weather that is approaching (and yes, the thunderstorms too) has me giddy with thoughts of planting and moving dirt and making things grow. we're going to have to do a lot of the dirt moving this year. we have some serious grade issues with the ground around our house. it's going to take a lot of dirt. and we'll be moving some shrubs, and some rose bushes (if they merit the effort) and some sidewalk (ugh) and some concrete steps (double ugh) but it will be very pretty when it's done. i'm sure of it.

and then there are the spring holidays coming up - - well, there's Easter and my parents anniversary (for which I am wholly unprepared) and my daughter's birthday (3 this year - how time snakes away when you aren't looking - - and even when you are!). and mother's day - - which will be the start of a week in Florida for me and mine (including the cat)... and finally Memorial Day - - already bringing summer on its heels.

i'm not really wishing the time away - i know it will speed by well enough on its own - but looking forward to all these wonderful days in front of me. it's a real mood booster - - which is a required element when faced with the reality of numb-ers calling to me.

happy spring y'all!


Anonymous said...

Your job is mind-numbing while mine is ass-numbing.

If only we worked together...

Perhaps we do! And we work for a place with it's head up its ass!!!

That would explain a lot! ;)


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad I am not working with
numbers (very often). I would soon be unemployed. -KG