19 March 2007

Back on the Wagon

I'm at it again - - spring is shouldering its way onto the calendar and into my thoughts, and I'm looking at myself in the mirror thinking, I can't go out in summer clothes looking like THIS.

So here I am, again, tracking my food and trying to figure out what's going to inspire me to exercise. Watching my eating really helps. So does drinking gallons of water every day (and cutting WAY back on the diet soda).

Crazy as it sounds, my husband just found some research that supports that whole "diet soda will make you fat" crap. Apparently inundating your diet with zero cal sweeteners tricks your body into thinking that all sweet things are nutrient free, and it processes them carelessly, as opposed to breaking them up the way it ought.

Doesn't mean I'm jumping right back to full sugar on everything, but since most of the sweet i eat every day is fruit, I figure i'm ok with the occasional pink packet on my fiber cereal and in the random cup of tea. And NOTHING BUT NOTHING is going to make me give up my Breyer's vanilla ice cream with Splenda.

Snow and cold in Michigan these days - - looking and feeling nothing like the spring that's supposed to be right at our threshold... ah well, soon enough I'll be grousing about the heat. There's really no pleasing some people.

Happy Monday!

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