02 April 2007


i keep thinking back to when i was a person of interest.

trying to recall what it was that made me most interesting... desperately afraid that it was only an inflated sense of my self-worth and the fact that i was, for all intents and purposes, a hermit... who liked to make papercrafts.

i think i took better care of my skin then too.

i'd like to say i took better care of my body, but that would be a lie. sure, i danced all the time, but i drank too much, slept too little, and routinely pushed the envelope a lot too far.

sleep - it isn't just for the weak anymore.

i guess the call to be interesting comes from a deep desire to be someone who my daughter will think of as cool. sure, now she thinks everything i do is awesome, but she's three... what does she know from awesome? to her a big thrill is baking, doing laundry, or scrubbing pots. what about when she's 13 and her 8th grade trip drags her off to someplace i've never been?

my deep heart keeps asking me "did you think mom was any less cool after you came back from England the first time?" no, i answer sheepishly, but all in all my mom is cooler than I am (always has been) and i shudder at my own lack of self-esteem.

i know what made me interesting and cool was being happy with who i am, in my own skin, and proud of what i've done already and what i hope to do. i know this, all of it, deep in my cells, and yet i'm having a hard time harvesting the comfort level again.

maybe it's just spring fever.


Anonymous said...

It all depends on what your perception of "interesting" is. Everyone is different in that regard. Maybe baking, doing laundry, and scrubbing pots will always be interesting to her. Or maybe just the fact that you are you is all that will matter. -KG

Kimba said...

Having known the interesting you of days gone by, and knowing what I know of the you of today (who is still interesting, if only in a slightly more domesticated sense), I know that you will always make yourself and life interesting! Your creativity, intellect, laughter & spark is what made me want to be your friend. I can't imagine your daughter ever thinking differently.

Anonymous said...

I wonder much the same myself and if I've been *perhaps* a trifle too free with the spending of the "cool points" I've been awarded in life. Spencer still says that all of her friends think that Rich and I are 'the coolest' parents they know.

My guess is that we're the only parents they interact with.

Also being one of those people who knew you back in the day, I can tell you that you're still interesting, witty, and fun to be around. You've just lost the frantic "I'm 20-something and on my own" energy that ALL of us had back then. --It's a gang good thing because when 30-somethings act like that, it's kind of sad.

Heck, if I had an extra chromosome I'd be all into spending time with you! As it is, I look forward to Game Night!!


Ca... said...

Not to worry too much-you're in the majority. Welcome to the real world!