12 March 2007

Spring Forward Crap

i really don't like the whole daylight saving time thing.
the biggest reason is my wake up time.
during most week days i'm awake by 5:30 and leaving the house for work at 6.
up until this past weekend, i was almost driving during daylight hours. it felt like spring to me.
now, i'm back in the dark ages of winter and miserable in the morning - - and it's not just the jet lag feeling of having lost an hour either, it's about the sunlight playing with my wakefulness.

don't even get me going on the ridiculous excuse of "saving energy" the freaks in Washington tout. as if. longer days mean the family hopping in the car to drive up to the local DQ for sundaes and dilly bars. no one walks in the evening anymore. please. this is America after all.

i'm still cold too - but that's a whole nuther story...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I LOVE Dilly bars