10 January 2007

And Nothing But...

the truth of the matter is, i've been too grumpy to write anything worth reading.

for the past week or so, i've just been a wretched mess of bad mood and irritability. quite honestly, i don't like me very much, and haven't for a while. the littlest things set me off, and while i immediately regret my grouchiness, the bottom line is that it doesn't undo the fact that i was a turd to begin with.

i've been trying all of my tricks:
- - counting to ten
- - breathing
- - focusing on the beauty
- - looking for the innocence of the moment
and i'm more or less coming up empty. the only time lately that i'm not making people (and myself) miserable, is when i'm alone (then it's just me who suffers).

my daughter helps - immeasurably - by reminding me that she loves me. she does this by telling me "mama, i SOOO love you" which, really, should be all the cure i need - - and yet, here iam, a half-done ham, waiting for some external cloud to lift and the happiness to come flooding in.

i KNOW that the only way for me to shake this is to find the peace within, to be motivated by it, and to never let the zeros get me down.

maybe i need a mini-retreat...


Gorilla Bananas said...

When I need to feel better I just stare at my toes. Toes are quite funny if you really study them closely. Of course, human toes might be less funny.

Kimba said...

Ok, I have to ask...do you like your toes? (tee hee) Sorry the above comment made me do it! I hope it at least gave you a little smirk? Sorry to hear you're feeling down in the dumps...damn weather doesn't help. I'd cheer you up, if I could! Know that you are loved by your family...and old friends who don't see you much anymore.