29 January 2007

Noise and Sloth

saturday was belated Christmas (and just before that a lot of furniture moving - - no, not around, IN). it looks nice and feels cozy, if just a little bit smaller than i had expected, but that's mostly because we have two larger sized comfy chairs that we'd never had before (quite frankly never could have had before) which provide ample room for loud guests.
they were loud guests i was happy to have... family (extended) that i just absolutely love and always have and likely always will. the baby had a great time visiting with cousins near her own age, and well, i think even my husband enjoyed the visit - - which was a boon to me. though i think that possibly the home made loaded baked potato soup may have had as much to do with his enjoyment of the afternoon as anything else. this said, i think i may make more soup. i like making my husband that kind of content.

the evening and most of yesterday were spent in the land of Spira (a world, i have just discovered, of the Final Fantasy video game). it was nice. it's definitely my speed for a video game, and though i didn't play (which i seldom do - - i have enough trouble controlling my OWN actions, thank you!) i had a lot of fun. apart from the baby, we kind of 'batched' it for food and whatnot through the day - - also cool, keeping the pressure off my having to cook. we interspersed our game play with looking out the window at the softly falling snow, snuggles with the cat, and baby's nap time. it was a really lovely comfy cozy wintery waste of a day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sounds perfect! -KG