02 September 2005


Much of my morning commute is Eastward.
During some of the summer months this is absolutely miserable, as the sun is blasting my retinas for much of the drive.
Now, though, thanks to the creeping onset of autumn (and through winter and spring) I peek into the waking of the sun.

This morning was brilliant... above the carefully stitched double row of red, above the highway-green road signs, above the street lights and beyond the stresses of the morning rush, summer-weary trees bowed in silhouette against the muted rainbow of dawn climbing up the horizon. A deep rusty ochery salmon and coral and lemon and lime and aquamarine reached up to the sky-horizon of predawn blue and violet in a quiet peaceful powergrab for day. The slightest sliver of late late late night moon, slipped to the bottom of the bowl and slightly below and to her right, Venus I think - who has always been my wishing "star" wished me a good morning before slipping into invisibility in the bright shadow of the rising sun.

THIS is how I started today... and it is the mood and feeling and peace and calm that I am determined to carry with me through the course of the day, tucked safely in a pocket of my memory - like a lavender sachet.

1 comment:

Ca... said...

"tucked safely in a pocket of my memory - like a lavender sachet."

What a sensuous sentiment. Only an Aquarian...