09 October 2006

Sunny Monday

In about 10 minutes I'll be free for the day.
Free to wash my hair, take a walk, and possibly go out for some fresh air and fun with my little girl. i'm having a hard time thinking of her as a baby today - - her 2 year molars are finally coming in and she's being WAY more brave than i would be in her shoes.
she's watching winnie the pooh's halloween movie... or at least one of them (i don't know if there are more)

i have been battling agaist the urge to bake up a storm this week... ok, since the beginning of the month, really. i have pumpkin pie cravings, and want to make cupcakes and brownies, and fresh bread, and....

and i'm holding up miserably against my task list for halloween... the front porch is still loaded with summer remnants, and only the pumpkins out there even hint at the fact that we're trying to greet the season. Inside is faring better, with the black curtains up and the birds perched on their respective curtain rods... i may use this afternoon/evening to make my black feathery wreath.

for now, though, i'm going to grab a pawfull of cookies and a cup of tea and rest my weary head.

happy monday!

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