17 October 2006

membership drive

it's that week again.

the week when my radio stations are asking me for money. it makes me feel like such a free-loading-slacker that i don't actually have a membership for the clubs that i keep sneaking into, every day, on my way to work, oftentimes at work, and then again every day on my way home. for the one radio station that keeps me smart and the other that keeps me calm.

the other, that by the bye, may actually have saved the life (or at least the rear bumper) of the uppity cadillac that decided to teach me a lesson about letting people into my 2 car length safety zone on a rainy morning drive - that wanted to show me how to be nice by driving 40 miles an hour at 10 to 7 on a VERY BUSY morning rush enhanced major thoroughfare in the inside lane.
some people just aren't happy until they see the first bird of the morning, i guess...

back to the point - - i feel like a right bum for listening and not paying.
until the little voice of all the rich people in the world sneaks in and tells me, you don't get rich by paying for something you can get for free, and the measely 50 bucks you could afford to front the station won't even make a dent in your tax return... you never ever donate to charity unless you can claim it and have it make a difference...

i'm glad i don't have semi-anual membership drives, by the way. you can rest assured that you will never hear that kind of self-abasing begging from me. why? well, the simple honest truth is that i don't want to suffer the bad news of discovering that 90% of my readership comes from misdirected search returns and the "next blog" button (my site meter tells me enough of that all on its own). not to mention, i'd probably have to wrack my brain trying to design and develop cool little reward gifts that didn't set me back more than I pulled in... i'm thinking sculpy and shirnkey dinks here...

it's a dark and rainy tuesday... nearly abysmal outside. it's the kind of day (as i said to a far too well dressed gentleman on the way up this mornig) that makes you glad to be in the office. it's the kind of day that a lot of work gets done without feeling at all like something more fun has been missed. (except that I can have a LOT of fun indoors with my little girl... who is probably waking up just now).

the stress/strain is starting to subside from my neck and shoulders. thank heaven.

roll on October...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cool little reward gifts like (Ooh, what was it??) "Pus-filled-fleshy-bits"?? I'm still working on this for next game session.

Hooray for Hallowe'en!!

--kim r