13 October 2006

how to increase the stress level in your life

make a major life committment

work with people who have NO IDEA of what you do
(or how you do it)

change your method of birth control

consume far FAR too much caffiene

live with a teething two year old

maintain three stellar friendships

decorate for halloween

plan a halloween dinner menu for 10

still don't have a costume
(or a free weekend for the rest of the month)

forget an important phone number
(that you - - for whatever asswipe reason dont' have written down)

in a moment of bliss find the phone number

start wearing makeup again
(and then realise that you haven't put it on yet today)
(and it's 10 minutes before your lunch date)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, perhaps remembering it is Friday the 13th, so close to your favorite holiday, will bring you back into balance a bit?? Albeit in a spooky way?? :)
- Tup