08 September 2006

sous chef

i don't know what made me think i'd be able to get so much done today.
what's my so much?
i still have two months of data waiting to be shepherded into reports... i have about three hours, total, interspersed with meetings, follow up meetings, an office bridal shower, and printing up the boarding passes.
three hours isn't really even enough to do one of these report syntheses. still, i'm going to try. for the gipper - or someone.

then, when i get home, i have a dinner to make, two bags to pack, an appointment to attend, and an evening to enjoy with my man and my baby. tomorrow will be, without a doubt, hectic if not downright chaotic.

i need a sous chef for living to get it all done for me, so i can start my vacation by relaxing and making a little peace bubble around myself...

or maybe i AM the sous chef

coo coo ka choo...

1 comment:

The Dog of Freetown said...

How many fins can you fit in a tank?