21 September 2006

guilty pleasure

one of my guilty pleasures is reading the Diary of V from Redbook.
it's nothing more than a soap opera, meant to make most women feel incredibly sane in spite of the mistakes they've made and the things they might regret. some days, it works... most of the time it sort of makes me laugh. i've been visiting on and off for years (i liked it best when it was an 'article' and not a blog... but that's just a little tiny preference whatever...) i don't even remember what brought me there the very first time, it was so long ago...


the last post on this blog was last friday. i don't check daily... usually about once a week, typically when i need a break from the overwhelming stress of my work, and typically over a cup of tea and some toast. i checked tuesday because i had just returned from vacation. i checked today because the last couple of work days have been fairly intense. like i said, the last entry was from last friday. in that stretch of time there are over 400 posts, a good percentage of which are barking about the fact that it's been a week since there's been a new post. some of them even got downright mean, sniping at the author for her lack of creativity and for her tardiness in posting - - these people who check back daily to read her work - - griping about it because there wasn't any.

it got me a little bummed and it got me to thinking...

i'm possibly something of a hypocrite.

there are about 4 blogs that i check on a daily basis. each one of them makes me smile - for it's own merits - every time there is a new post. when there's not a new post, i have to admit to a little bit of a hollow feeling. they're little bits of lives that i get to participate in vicariously (i willingly admit to my almost obscene sense of voyeurism) and they keep me connected to people who matter to me (even if they think they don't - or even if they don't know how much they do). one of them is the reason i started in here to begin with.

ok - back on track - the short story is this...

i either have to get better at checking in here daily (at least during the work week) and saying SOMETHING once a day, or i have to let go of my hollow feeling and my disappointment when there's nothing new in the blogs i read regularly.

so there.

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