25 September 2006


wash your hands
use a snissue - once - when you cough or sneeze, then throw it away
wash your hands
if you're sick, stay home - - if you can't stay home, don't touch anything
carry a personal sized hand sanitizer
and wash your hands

flu season is fast approaching. being a typhoid mary myself, i made a concerted effort this morning to pay close attention to the entire flu presentation being offered to me and my coworkers by the local health division (i don't know why they don't call it a health department anymore, but apparently they don't). i had to make the effort to pay attention because for the most part, i knew more about avian flu (from my somewhat regular visits to the cdc website)than the presenter. what i DID get out of it, though... the useful stuff... was this.

WASH YOUR HANDS - all the time - even when you think you've already washed them.

and a very powerful reminder that i absolutely MUST add one or two of those 5 gallon jugs of water to my shopping list each time i go grocery shopping for the next few trips. we don't have nearly the "emergency kit" at home that we need...

anywho... stuff to do beckons...

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