12 July 2006

chlorine gas...

no - it's not some crazy cool new alternative fuel...
it's what happens when you mix bleach with ammonia - or - other acidic additives

it's what happened last night as my dad was working on a cocktail to shock and clean the swimming pool. it sent me and my family (including the cat) for an impromptu trip to the ice cream place while we aired out the house some. considering the concentration of chlorine in the the bag of "pool shock" that my dad used, i'm still amazed that he didn't suffer some irreperable damage... still, he seemed ok last night before he went to bed.

the worst bit was the kind of evening it was - grey, humid, heavy, and still. there was nothing working in our favour to blow the noxious gas around a little... move it away from the house or the yard (you know, off and away to torment other, innocent, folk for a little while).

not that i would wish it on other folk... but a good wind would have done a lot to dissipate it well before it caused any discomfort to anyone - including us.

at the end of the day, though, we're all ok... and apart from a slight headache (which i always suffer) and a rough night's sleep (i've been having the weirdest, worst, haunted house dreams lately), it's going to be just fine.

1 comment:

Kimba said...

Glad to hear I'm not the only one having seriously messed up, scary dreams lately! Hmmm...sorry about that! (Maybe I should check for toxic fumes?)