03 June 2008

fluff and nonsense

it's been too long since i've logged in to say - more or less - nothing.

it's not that life is boring. it's just that i feel like it's just a normal (not necessarily) boring life - the kind that most folk have. i'm feeling very ordinary. and not even in a bad way.

i'm going through some changes at work - - a new position in my same company, in my same department. it's a growth opportunity, and i'm excited. i can't remember the last time i've had a "growth opportunity" in front of me, but i'm pretty sure I liked it the last time too. I'll have a new boss (who reports to my old boss) and I've really enjoyed working with her in the past. And a sort-of new kind of work... sort of. i'll be doing a lot of what I've always done, it's just that now, for the most part, i'll be doing it for myself. and a lot of other cool new stuff to boot. what that other stuff is, i'm not quite sure yet, but i'm glad to be learning something new. in spite of departmental changes (3 years ago in september) i've been doing more or less the same job since 1999. needless to say, i'm pretty darned good at it, and i definitely felt comfortable in the position i left yesterday. but it's time for change - - or as my ladybug used to say - - shaking the snow-globe.

my home life is good. the garden is gorgeous, the baby is getting bigger, smarter, funnier, and even possibly prettier (she always looks SO good in the sunnytime - the fresh air and sunshine do her a world of good and happy). oh sure, i have mountains of laundry, dirty dishes in the sink, and dust on the window-sills, but i don't think that those things REALLY detract from a happy home (except, maybe, on cleaning day).

if it rains tomorrow, I have shelves to assemble for my bedroom clutter (i'm very excited about this). if it's sunny, i have plants to get in the ground (i've given up on my initial plans - which required additional funds) and have found alternate locations for them (i.e. in place of the burning bushes which the rotten rabbits won't stop eating).

see - - fluff.
and nonsense.

have a great day!

1 comment:

Kimba said...

Good fluff & no nonsense! I'm glad to hear an update from you! I was getting worried. It was soo great to see you last month (can you believe it was last month already?) (you'll find this funny...the "code" I need to type in to post this begins eekfoo...hahaha!)