01 March 2012

Glass House

Today's thought is not an easy one for me... it borders on political, and that's a tough pill for me to swallow.
I suspect I'm likely to offend a few folks with it, as well. It's not my intent...

Here's the thing.
It's called Judge not...
It's called love your neighbor...
It's called, do unto others...

I have no respect for the comments of the radical right wing (or the radical left wing, or the radical anyone for that matter)... and in many cases, I not only disagree with what they say and do, but much of it sickens me.

A school principle telling her gay students that they're going to hell...
A politician saying that unmarried parenthood fosters child abuse...
A FLOCK of politicians making long strides backward in terms of womens' rights.

The whole lot of it makes me want to puke, and scream, and raise my fist in the air and call down the lightning...

And then I have to stop.

Because the minute I want to call down the powers of heaven, or the universe, or God, or whatever else it is that's going to smite them with thousands of volts of "righteous fury," I've crossed the line and become just as bad as I think they are.

If they want to be what *I* consider sick, or wrong, or cruel, or stupid, or... - fine. That's their gig. They have as much right to it as people have to be gay, or women, or followers of Islam, or....

Do I want them running my country? No. I vote against them.
Do I want them running my schools? No. I appeal to the Superintendent.
Do I want them in my life in any way? No... not at all...
But as much as they are in my life, I follow the channels to remove them from it.
Is it time for new rules? Sure... maybe... I don't know.

But I'm not judging people.
I live in a glass house.

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