13 August 2012

One Legged Rooster

And so the summer sprints
winged feet...

Holy cats has it been a busy summer - and more and more and more to come.

I've not been "jumping out of perfectly good airplanes" - though I have seen a few of them, nor have I been throwing myself off cliffs into ocean waves - though I would love to, nor have I been hopping on luge run bicycles - seriously ... I can't imagine ever wanting to do that.

Over the past month or so ("so" being a lovely nebulous term, which in this case means "longer than I care to admit, but not quite so long as my last hiatus") I have (in reverse order, because honestly it's the easiest for me):
  • set up camp in a deluge, walked along the rainy shore of Lake Huron (rock hunting) and witnessed one of the most interesting Perseid showers ever
  • revisited the Felt Mansion (Saugatuck) which no longer touts itself as a "notorious haunt" [according to the docent there, they are opting to "get away from that image, in favor of more elegant affairs" (yeah, I was kinda pissed about that)].  While I was bummed to hear that they're dissing their haunted past, it's nice to see the amazing changes they've effected on the house and the grounds, and I am happy for them that they've secured the lease to renovate the carriage house as well.
  • attended my first, but certainly not my last air show.  I got to climb up on (and was offered "into") an AMAZING replica of a WWII Nazi tank.  The young boys who invited me up were amazing and utterly charming! Watching the Mustangs fly in formation was thrilling.  And seeing "my" ultra-shiny F-86 fighter jet in action was breathtaking.
  • Visited Lake Michigan to bounce the waves and deepen my tan!
  • blew a giant glass bubble, and made a really cool torch-work bead.  It was a Groupon deal - and I'm so glad, not only that I bought it, but that I was offered (and accepted) a way to actually attend it.  It was a great feeling to once again be making something with my hands... and to have that something to offer as a gift to my Foo.  I must never allow myself to forget the thrill of creating things with my own hands.
  • rearranged my bedroom in a new and interesting way that I really like.
  • set aside a bazillion things for donation.
  • attended a number of small "family and friend" birthday and graduation parties for folks I really love.
  • traveled to Maine with a friend to help a friend move around a couple of now-beautiful gardens.
  • and have seen a number of really good movies at the Drive-In.  This is a treat for both my entertainment-minded self, and for my personal nostalgia-fix, as some of my best childhood summer memories are centered on Saturday nights at the drive-in.
I'm sure I've forgotten to add a few wonderful events to this list... but only to the list.  The memories of this summer are already amazing and wonderful, and I'm looking so very forward to the ones left to be made!